@misc{99, author = {G. Keller and T Adatte and W. Stinnesbeck}, title = {The non-smoking gun}, abstract = {

This conclusion was announced by Keller, Stinnesbeck and Adatte at the April (2003) EGU-AUG meeting in Nice, France, based on over 10 years of KT research (1) culminating with the new drill core Yaxcopoil-1 in the Chicxulub crater. This evidence has triggered a renewed debate over the cause and impact location of the KT mass extinction and the role of Chicxulub. A public debate is sponsored by the Geological Society of London beginning with its November 1 (2003) issue of Geoscientist.\  PDF

}, year = {2003}, pages = {13(11): 8-11}, publisher = {Geoscientist}, address = {London}, note = {

This conclusion was announced by Keller, Stinnesbeck and Adatte at the April (2003) EGU-AUG meeting in Nice, France, based on over 10 years of KT research (1) culminating with the new drill core Yaxcopoil-1 in the Chicxulub crater. This evidence has triggered a renewed debate over the cause and impact location of the KT mass extinction and the role of Chicxulub. A public debate is sponsored by the Geological Society of London beginning with its November 1 (2003) issue of Geoscientist.\  PDF

}, language = {eng}, }